One of my best friends, Erika (also known as my Mexican Best Friend, or MBF to David), and I are in the process of shedding our lazy, taco-eating ways to contribute to our community more...besides being sexy and campaigning for the 'Bama like last year. I mean, we still eat tacos, obviously (we honestly have a taco schedule), but we've started crochet projects for charity and want to do some soup kitchenin' or Food Not Bombsing. When Canada stops farting ice in our faces, I'll begin the annual battle against buckthorn, garlic mustard, and other douche invasive species here as well.
Anyhow, Erika's doing scarves because she's a wuss, and I'm makin' up some pretty fine not-as-much-suck-as-usual hats, as you can see (above: Inauguration Day, getting my charity hat and my President Obama on; below: finished, obviously). Vury nice, eh? Also, I'm in a crazy middle-aged ladies knitting ministry at the Unitarian church (where I was "affirmed" but haven't attended in years) as the token loser twenty-something who barely knows what she's doing, and we're working with the Warm Woolies project. I'm having trouble finding some really chunky wool yarn, so this is one of the goals of the day. They have a pattern for a crocheted vest that doesn't involve a gauge. Uh, yes please?

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