Wednesday, February 11, 2009

When Skanking Turns Ugly...Or AMAZING!

During an intense skanking session today...well, we'll just let the pictures speak for themselves, shall we?

It was pretty outstanding. My first response, besides to finish singing my favorite part of the song, was to do a simple mental poll:

Q: Am I in the basement?
A: No.

After finding that important answer, all was good and fine. Luckily, there was some kind of panels or thin support under that (possibly part of our heating system), or I could've had my leg/crotch end up in a really awkward and scary position dangling over the basement (though you can see the basement as the light part of the picture above).

The accident was 80% the floor, since one of the short panels was
actually made by two even-smaller panels. I mean, it was

100% my outlandish greatness

Dear Reel Big Fish,

I do believe I should be named your Most Hardcore Fan of the Week. At least until the next idiot busts a hole in his or her floor.


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